At a mighty black grand piano, framed by deep red curtains, sits the Georgian concert pianist Ekaterine Khvedelidze. She plays Chopin - very concentrated, but at the same time rapt, as if she were a medium of the composer. This scene does not take place in the concert hall as usual, but at her home, very privately. Her soul speaks especially for the Russian composer Skriabin, she tells us. The brilliant artist has already played her hands bloody for him. What a declaration of love.
Economic Forum: Ms Khvedelidze, what does Skriabin mean to you - is that your favourite composer?
Ekaterine Khvedelidze: I wouldn't say that, because I love all composers. I have different phases, sometimes I want to play Bach, sometimes Schubert. But I must confess that when I play a piece by Skriabin, I feel as if I had written it myself.
At some point, an artist gets this epiphany, this feeling of completely putting himself in the composer's shoes. Then his piece is yours. I also love and respect other pieces by other great composers.
But Skriabin, I see him as a soul mate....